Fastify + Astro starter

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    Brian Kimball

Fastify + Astro Starter

Github Repo


I am normally working on projects where I am the solo developer. I started building apps using Laravel, but I generally like writing javascript/typescript more than PHP. A lot of the JavaScript apps I have built typically have separated server and client builds. There is nothing wrong with this, and in many cases is the correct configuration. After all, the client is for the browser, and the server is on the server, so the builds should be optimized for different environments. Handling state on the client and server can often be complex, and I kinda miss generating from the server and enriching the client. Most people will use a meta-framework with SSR to handle this in the JS ecosystem. There are many solutions available for this like Next, Remix, Nuxt and Astro.


I really like what Astro is doing with their framework, especially with ViewTransitions and SPA mode. They have great examples and can be used with a variety of frontend frameworks. I'm also looking for that fullstack experience, so I like a more robust backend. Fastify is usually my "go-to" for this sort of thing.

When I was looking for Fastify + Astro integrations, I essentially found two different approaches:

The first approach is creating an Astro adapter for Fastify. I found this repo which looked promising. Doing a little background, I can see it had contributions from both Astro maintainers and Fastify maintainers. It unfortunately did not work out of the box, so I forked the repository and got at least the dev mode working. Production mode, unfortunately, does not work as well.

The second approach is found in the Astro docs under the Node Adapter section. They give the middleware instructions with an example configuration. This is nice and I like the separation from the Astro build. The downfall is the server is not in typescript. I wanted to use TRPC and Drizzle, so it seems silly for the backend to not be written in Typescript.

I thought about re-configuring the adapter approach but realized, I could just update my npm scripts and use TSX for watching and rollup for the build. It gives a much more flexible configuration and uses the same tools as Vite does under the hood. This stays much closer to the setup recommended in the Astro docs.


This starter uses Astro, Fastify, TRPC, Lucia, React, NextUI, Drizzle and is configured with both Login and Registration forms and endpoints. This gives you typescript throughout, for type safety, session based auth through Lucia. Check out my Github Repo and let me know if it works or where it can improve.