Published onJuly 25, 2024Fastify + Astro starterdevelopmentfastifyastrotypescriptThis is an example of a starter app for TS projects.
Published onJanuary 20, 2024Learning Go part 2developmentgolangAfter some time with Go I really like it
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Published onAugust 27, 2023Modern IBMi Prototypedevelopmentreact.jsfeathers.jstypescriptIBMiA modern full-stack application. A feathers backend with a vite spa frontend.
Published onAugust 15, 2023IBMi Adapter for KnextypescriptdevelopmentIBMiAn IBMi adapter for knex. It uses and ODBC connection under the hood.
Published onAugust 13, 2023Node AutomationdevelopmentnodeBuilding node applications that run on a schedule
Published onJuly 16, 2023Prototype Demographic Applicationdevelopmentreact.jsfeathers.jstypescriptA modern full-stack application. A feathers backend with a vite spa frontend.
Published onAugust 12, 2022Network Mapperdevelopmentsolid.jsfastify.jsAn app to install and gather network information as well as domain information.
Published onJanuary 8, 2022Inventory Trackerdevelopmentvue.jslaravelA full stack application that tracks inventory; built using Laravel with a separate Vue SPA
Published onOctober 4, 2021Time Trackerdevelopmentvue.jslaravelA full stack application that tracks time. Built using Laravel with a separate Vue SPA.