IBMi Adapter for Knex

Previously when building node based applications that run on the IBMi, I have used the node-odbc and has served me well. When working with other databases I normally reach for a query builder or even an ORM. It helps being able to write SQL queries closer to resemble the business logic. Knex is a popular query builder, and is used by other frameworks such as feathers.js.
To make life easier, I decided to write an adapter for Knex that essentially wraps the node-odbc library. This would allow us to use knex on the IBMi. We could use frameworks like feathers and use the default knex based adapter as opposed to customizing the feathers services.
import { knex } from 'knex'
import { DB2Config, DB2Dialect } from '@bdkinc/knex-ibmi'
export const config: DB2Config = {
client: DB2Dialect,
connection: {
database: '*LOCAL',
host: '',
port: 50000,
user: 'user',
password: 'password',
driver: 'IBM i Access ODBC Driver',
connectionStringParams: {
CMT: 0,
NAM: 1,
pool: {
max: 10,
min: 2,
export const db = knex(config!)
The project started as forking an older library that had not been updated in 5 years. Knex-db2 is the original package, but was outdated. I ended up re-writing the entire package, so I could have just started fresh. I wrote the package in Typescript and bundle it using tsup , I wanted to make sure I supported typescript, common js and esm. I added transaction support and made sure my returning values all worked.
The library is still in an alpha status. I have been using it in production and run into few issues. It could be moved to a Beta status soon. The error messages and logging could be better and will be my next area of focus.